Fuqua Class of 2018 Bag $127,874 Average Salary & $155,100 Bonus


The Class of 2018 at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business managed to get an average starting salary of $127,874 and sign-on bonuses of $155,100, a 4.9% increase over the previous year.

In 2017, the average salary was pegged at $122,989 and the bonus was $30,374. This year, the average signing bonuses, received by 82% of the class, touched $33,202.

The median starting salary was stable at $125,000, while the median sign-on bonus went up to $30,000 from $25,000. Thus, the median compensation touched $149,600, up from $145,500 last year.

By the time of graduation, 89% of the students had received at least one offer and 85% had accepted it. Within three months, 96% had received job offers and 94% accepted the roles.

Among the graduates, those with professional experience of more than 5 years number 186 (55%) managed to get a mean salary of $127,144, the median salary of $125,000 and high $180,00u0.

In salaries by job function, Consulting led the table with 119 students or 35% getting an annual mean salary of $138,577, a median salary of $140,000 and highest at $170,000.

Finance comes next with 68 (20%) getting a mean salary of $124,335, median $125,000 and high of $160,000. General Management has 72 (21%) with mean salary of $121,192, median $125,000 and high of $180,000.

Marketing has 60 (18%) drawing a mean salary of $121,161, median $117,000 and high $163,000.

By Industry, while Consulting retained the top spot with 109 (32%), It was Tech that impressed the most with 94 (28%) graduates managing to get a mean salary of $127,335, the median salary of $130,000 and high salary of $175,000. It recorded a 9% rise over the previous year.

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While Amazon took in 21 graduates, Microsoft (11), Cisco (5), Apple (8), IBM (9), Google (7) and Dell (6) were the other major recruiters in this sector.

Consulting had McKinsey & Company (17), Deloitte (13), Bain & Company (9), PwC (8) and Accenture LLP (12) as major recruiters.

Among the graduates, those with professional experience of more than 5 years number 186 (55%) managed to get a mean salary of $127,144, the median salary of $125,000 and high $180,00u0.

Those in the 3-5 year bracket, numbering 138 (41%) with a mean salary of $128,002, median $125,000 and high 170,000. Those in the 1-3 year bracket numbering 15 (4%) got mean salary of $132,733, median $130,000 and high $152,000.(Image Source:wikipedia.org)


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