MISB Bocconi’s Scholarship for Meritorious Women Students


MISB Bocconi, the offshore presence of Bocconi University in India and an international business school in Mumbai has initiated a woman’s scholarship program to support outstanding and meritorious women candidates who apply to the PGPB program.

‘The Women In leadership Scholarship’ scheme offers a scholarship amount of Rs 2 lakh as financial support to women candidates enabling them to follow their dreams.

Eligibility Norms for Scholarship

The recipients of the scholarship should be high potential candidates with exemplary leadership skills in one or more of the following areas: academic leadership, team leadership, community leadership, community leadership, and creative leadership.

Promotional Video

The business school has also put a 1 minute 40 second promotional video for the women’s scholarship on Youtube titled ‘Why Does A Girl Do An MBA?’

It has various girls asking the question Why does a girl do an MBA? Each of them pose a counter question like ‘To get over a breakup? Because Fashion designing is too mainstream? To kill time? To delay marriage? To get away from home? To find a cute successful boy?

They finally conclude that is only to make a difference, just the same as any guy who pursues an MBA.

Bocconi’s PGPB Program

The 2-year full time Post Graduate Program in Business, MISB Bocconi claims, “brings to India’s business and financial capital the expertise of SDA Bocconi School of Management in delivering top class Business education, combining strong Indian identity with a global perspective.”

It is designed to build responsible, reliable and effective managers and entrepreneurs. The program aims to equip participants with the necessary capabilities and knowledge to start a successful career or to enhance their work experience by nurturing personal growth and fostering professional development.

It offers the experience, international outlook and a multicultural environment essential for an international career in a global economy.

ALSO READ: MISB Bocconi Catches Recruiters’ Eye

The combination of theory and practice encourages students to have a creative and problem-solving approach; the international exposure enables them to succeed at a local and global level as well as to have a grasp over cultural intricacies.

The PGPB program draws heavily from the curriculum, research outputs, faculty and experience of SDA Bocconi. It is an innovative mix of lectures, international experiences and connections with the industry that will shape tomorrow’s top managers and entrepreneurs.

A strong connection with the corporate world is assured throughout the program by compulsory hands-on experiences and by the activities organized by the Career Development Service (CDS).

A significant international exposure is also offered by the Exchange Semester in Bocconi, Milan.


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